My Anam Cara Story

The Story Behind Anam Cara and Our Journey Together

I believe there is a quote somewhere that says you will find love when you least expect it, with the person you least expect it to happen with. Well, that's exactly what happened to me. After 10 years of friendship, one day I started asking myself "What if" there is something more to this relationship. Turns out he was asking the same question, and now that person is my husband, my best friend, and my Anam Cara. Josh is my biggest cheerleader and encourager. He believe in my dreams. He has never once said I couldn't do it or even doubted for one minute that my goals would one day become a reality. He is my safe place and my biggest adventure.

Our relationship motto has always been that we are "Better Together" and now after 12 years of marriage and 24 years of friendship, I can say that he is “my” person whose love and loyalty remind me every day that Anam Cara is real and present in our lives. His Irish/Scottish roots hold great meaning for him, and because of that, he expresses his love through the ancient words of his ancestors. He spoke I love you to me for the first time AND proposed to me in Gaelic (insert swoon here!). The meaning of these words have built the foundation for our Anam Cara story, so when it came to finding a name for my jewelry business, Anam Cara was well, meant to be, just like us. Well, now that you know the backstory, here is my little corner of creativity and curiosity, making polymer clay goods and sharing them with the world. It is my hope that each and every one of us can find our own Anam Cara in this world and cherish them always.

Love, Julie and Josh